How it Works

The Program

Culturous is a cost-free online program that provides an increased level of access, affordability,
and convenience for cultural exchange and personal development for teenagers from around the world. 

Our participants are developing awareness, understanding, and compassion for other cultures, building
future-orientated skills, and connecting with an international peer group. 

The 8-week program design is focused on the development of:

How It Works

Participants are matched in small groups that are going together through the eight-week program with weekly changing modules. Each module includes:

We are using open platforms (mainly Google applications) with content that is easy to access. There are no hidden costs for apps, software, or materials during the program. 

With completion of the program, the participants receive a (digital) Certificate and will be invited to join the Culturous Alumni Group to stay in touch and continue to communicate and learn from each other. 

Time Requirements for Participants

We know how busy the life of a teenager can be. Therefore, the program is designed for optimal flexibility. 

The knowledge sessions and online activities can be done individually during the week based on the participant's schedule. The online group session will be held on reoccurring days/times on the weekends, based on the availability of the participants